The death occurred last week in Wellington of ALISTER MacALISTER QSM. Alister was a member of the Wellington Branch for many years and the Company’s Honorary Solicitor.

He served in the RN during the second world war and was a past commodore of the RPNYC Wellington. During his working life he represented many ship masters at various inquires.

With his passing goes one of the last connections with the sinking of the Russian liner MIKHAIL LERMONTOV.

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  1. Ian McAulay says:

    I was saddened to hear of the loss of Alister Macalister last week. Alister, as you know, represented the Airline Pilots interests for many years, but he was more than that and was a great friend to many of the pilot group… he was a giver, and gave of his services beyond expectations.
    His interests began with his interest in the sea and he was a Master Mariner and involved with the Navy during the second world war. As well he was involved as Commodore of the Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club.
    He gave of himself in a big way to the Airline Pilots over many years and was dominant during the Erebus enquiry and after. That is when I became involved with him.
    His services were invaluable and he handled complicated matters with a cool calm that acquired sensible conclusions.
    He will be remembered by myself and many others as a man of his day, a real stalwart of the legal world and a man that could only be regarded with the highest respect.
    Personally, I had a tremendous ammount of respect for Alister and he became a personal friend as my involvement with the New Zealand Airline Pilots Association developed. I believe that he was without peer amongst the Legal profession as well, and I personally would believe that without exemption.
    He must be a sad loss to so many people and organisations as well and other groups that I don’t even know about.
    Goodby, dear friend. You set a standard that I will never forget.
    Ian McAulay
    ex. President.
    New Zealand Airline Pilots Association

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