Prestigious Award to Member

On Wednesday 08 July 2020 at the Bolton Hotel Wellington, twenty three members and nine guests sat down to lunch to celebrate a Charter presentation to member, Captain John Mansell.

Among the guests were Ted Ewbank, Master of the NZ Company of Master
Mariners, Larry Robbins, General Secretary/Treasurer of the Company and
Fellow of the Nautical Institute, Keith Manch, Director of Maritime NZ
and six members of John’s immediate family.

Ted traveled from Auckland to speak on behalf of the Honourable Company
of Master Mariners (London) and make the presentation. Keith spoke
regarding John’s achievements in the 20 years that he was employed at
Maritime NZ.

In his speech Ted gave some historical background to the formation of
both the Honourable Company (founded in 1926) and the New Zealand
Company (founded in 1928), both having a similar lineage and a
continuing fraternal relationship.

The opportunity for the Honourable Company to be able to grant
Chartership to qualified Master Mariners came into being in 2013 for UK
persons and in 2018 for Commonwealth mariners. John was granted his
Chartership in 2019.

Ted spoke at some length on the global recognition given to Charter
status, what it means to have Charter status and what process is
required to reach this important recognized standing.

Following Ted, Keith expanded on the main biographical points of John’s
career with MNZ. which itself followed 20 years at sea serving as Master
on the Cook Strait Rail Ferries.

For 15 years John was General Manager of Maritime operations where he
was responsible for flag, port and coastal state matters, pilotage, ship
registration, harbour safety etc.etc. John moved on to design a new set
of  domestic certificates of competency and advise on STCW-F 95 matters.

Concurrently John was studying for and obtained a Ph.D in Maritime Law
from the University of Wollongong, Australia with his thesis being
published in 2009.

Keith stressed the importance of the respect that given to John by his
contemporary colleagues at Maritime New Zealand.

He extended his appreciation to the  Honourable Company for granting him
the Charter and went on to recount his working history which started
with the surprise he encountered on joining his first ship as cadet with
the Union Company. The interview with the Master was quite a revelation!

Comments on the meeting and member numbers in attendance were
encouraging. Arrangements are under way to have a good speaker next
month. Mark your diary for the 12th August !

Ken Watt

Wellington Branch Secretary

Captain John Mansell and Captain Ted Ewbank

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