AGM Minutes


Captain            A D Payne       Master
Captains           J E Frankland, Auckland Warden
T J  Wood,       Tauranga Warden
R A J Palmer,   Wellington Warden
C V Kesteren, C D Neill, M B Deane, M J Lock,  J Holbrook, D A Daish, L Robbins,
G P Clarke, J de Jong, G Smith, N Wheeler, E E Ewbank, W J Hibberdine, R L McKenzie
W G Compson – General Secretary/Treasurer
Apologies were received from Captains:-Swallow, Kelner, Ross, Buckens, Swan, Varney, Colaco, Gates
The Minutes of the 2010 Annual General Meeting were read and PROPOSED by the General Secretary as a true and correct record of proceedings at that Meeting
MOVED Captain Palmer SECONDED Captain Frankland CARRIED

Matters Arising
To the question of why there had been no Warden’s Report from Auckland the reply was “it had been forgotten”.
Lists of all correspondence distributed. The General Secretary detailed significant correspondence concerning “On Deck” publication and funding, a request to Transit NZ for the flying of  the Red Ensign on Auckland Harbour Bridge on Merchant Navy Day, memoranda and Quarterly Reports. Other matters noted dealt with purchase of Company ties and legal advice from the Honorary Solicitor.

To a question as to why Transit NZ would not fly the Red Ensign the reply was that they fly only national flags.

Wardens reports were  read by the  Branch Wardens of  Auckland, Wellington and Tauranga.

Matters arising
A question was raised by a mention in the report of the Tauranga Warden of a suggestion to  remove the requirement for magnetic compasses on ships. An article in the Nautical Institute NZ newsletter discussed the implications of such a move.
The  Master gave his Annual Report.

Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.


Captain Compson, as Treasurer spoke to the annual accounts which were tabled.  He pointed out that the cost of printing and distributing the “On Deck” magazine had left Company finances in a position where the proposed issues for September 2011 and March 2012 could not proceed except in PDF form by computer.

Any levy that is set now will not be available until this time next year.  The Executive Council had, at its meeting, agreed that the capitation levy for the forthcoming year be $25. The plan is to have $10 of levy available for publication of “On Deck”.

Matters Arising

Discussion concerning the amount of levy and funding of “On Deck”.  The general consensus of the meeting held that the levy was acceptable.

That the Treasurer’s report be accepted, 
MOVED Captain Compson  SECONDED Captain Palmer CARRIED

Captain Payne reported that no nominations for Master had been received from the branches and he has been re-elected unopposed.   Branch Wardens from Wellington, (Captain Palmer), Tauranga (Captain Wood), Auckland, (Captain Frankland) remain in office, while Captain Alan Cooke has taken over at the Christchurch Branch.

It is confirmed that the General Secretary/Treasurer, Captain Compson, will continue in that post.

Both Captain Payne and Compson indicated that they will stand down at the AGM of 2012.


Production of “On Deck” discussed earlier in Matters Arising from Treasurer’s Report.

Further discussion followed concerning the content and size of the publication.  Suggestions mooted were that the  magazine is too big,  personal   recollections should have no place in a national magazine being  more suitable in Branch newsletters.  Articles of interest on latest nautical technology and worries about future trends, e.g. removal of magnetic compasses  from ships might have more relevance.

Members urged to use the  Company Website.  There is a still a lack of items from branches other than Wellington and Christchurch. The General Secretary is to advise Captain John Brown on the current  Executive Council and  matters from this AGM that need to be publicised.

An announcement that Captains Michael Lock of Auckland and John Brown  of Wellington had been accorded Life Membership following proposals from their branches.


Auckland Branch Remit.  Proposal to alter Rule 4.
Rule 4.1.1 to read as  follows:-
“Ordinary full membership (which shall include Country and Retired members) -  holders of a certificate of competency as Master Mariner Foreign Going or an equivalent grade recognised by the Executive Council, issued by a properly constituted authority, or a seaman officer of Lieutenant Commander rank and above in the navy, who has had seagoing command in that rank of a commissioned naval vessel”.
PROPOSED Captain Frankland SECONDED Captain Ewbank
Discussion followed and the following amendment made:- the last few words to read “…………………command in that rank of a significant commissioned naval vessel”.
The motion was CARRIED by majority, there being one against. Captain Wood requested that his name be recorded as the vote against the motion.
Rule 4.2 to read as follows:-
“Associate of the branch – any branch may invite any person with an honourable record and associated with the branch or with matters maritime and who wishes to associate him or herself with the activities of the branch, to become an associate of the branch”.
The word “friend” is discontinued.
A new Category as follows:-
Rule 4.2.1
“Associate Member – any branch may invite any person who has  gained a qualification as Second Mate Foreign Going to become an Associate Member”.

The intention of this new rule is to differentiate between Associate categories where those with certificates could eventually gain full membership with a Master’s Certificate

The change to Rule  4.2 and the new category Rule 4.2.1.
PROPOSED Capt Frankland SECONDED Capt. Ewbank. CARRIED

There being no further general business the Master closed the meeting at 1435 hrs.

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